Republican Jessica Garvin For State Senate

I am running to work on common-sense solutions and continue Oklahoma’s Turnaround!


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Thanks for visiting my website! Let me tell you a little bit about myself…

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My name is Jessica Garvin. I am a local businesswoman that is committed to the vision of making Oklahoma a Top 10 State. We must capitalize on the momentum of our new state leadership by pushing for meaningful change that will build a better future for all Oklahomans. 

I believe small business growth, developing a stronger educational system, decreasing wasteful spending, and creating a stronger infrastructure to help grow our local economies are the keys to driving Oklahoma to the top. 

I have a broad spectrum of experience in the healthcare industry. I have been nationally recognized as one of the top leaders in my field and am well respected among those in the Oklahoma healthcare industry. 

I was raised in Marlow and am a graduate of The University of Oklahoma where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Communications. I live in Duncan with my husband of 10 years, Stephen, an employee of the Department of Human Services and our three children, Brooks (8), Kollins (5) and Tress (2). 

“I am running to build a better Oklahoma for our kids.”


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100% Pro Life:

As a mother, I’ve seen the value of life from conception and as a nursing home administrator and co-owner of a company that provides hospice services, I’ve come to understand the value of providing quality end of life care. Regardless of age, every life has value and every life should be protected; I will continue to fight for the right to life, whether that is in my role caring for seniors or as my role as your next Senator.

100% Pro-2nd Amendment:

I grew up around guns and have continued that tradition with my children. While I’m an avid hunter, the biggest value for me in our Second Amendment is to protect ourselves and our families. I received my concealed carry license approximately ten years ago; The ability to protect ourselves and bear arms is something that was enshrined in The Declaration of Independence and it’s something I believe is the duty of every American to protect. As your next Senator, I will work tirelessly to make sure that our right to bear arms is never taken.

Government Accountability:

Every government should be accountable to its people. As a taxpayer, I believe that my tax dollars should be spent wisely. Every government agency should undergo audits to make sure tax dollars are being spent wisely. I would consider it my duty to make sure that government agencies are held accountable for how they spend our hard-earned tax dollars and to seek transparency, oversight and a reduction in duplication of services.


Healthcare decisions should be made between an individual (or family) and their doctor; The government should not be involved. I will fight to make sure that healthcare decisions remain an individual choice, rather than big government stepping in and coming in-between a doctor and their patient. I will advocate for affordable and quality access in Rural Oklahoma and ensure we continue to find ways to recruit providers of all types, from nurse practitioners and specialty physicians, to mental health practitioners, physician assistants, and nurse aides. Oklahoma has an opportunity to be the prime location to receive care in the nation and I will stop at nothing to advocate for mid-level to physician practitioners, ensuring they have the tools necessary to make Oklahoma a Top Ten state in healthcare.

Jobs and the Economy:

The economy grows when the government gets out of the way. I will fight to make sure that government regulation is not getting in the way of growing jobs. As a small business owner, I know how burdensome government regulation can be and will fight for the "little guys". We need the government to move out of the way so small business owners can create the jobs and revive our economy. I also understand that larger employers have their place in Oklahoma and will partner with them to ensure they are able to keep Oklahomans working too!


Farmers and ranchers built Oklahoma and sometimes we forget that. I will fight to eliminate the unnecessary regulations that have been put on our farmers and ranchers. I want to help the farming and ranching industry by protecting their way of life and ensure they are able to continue providing quality goods to America's kitchen tables. As someone who once owned cattle on family land in Stuart, Oklahoma, I know the hard work that goes into this lifestyle and have respect for the men and women, as well as their families, who work tirelessly to provide for families across our country.


Many people at the State Capitol have forgotten that the tax dollars come from Oklahoma's hard-working citizens. This money does not belong to the government, but belongs to the people. Taxes should be kept as low as possible because the government is simply the steward of this money; I will always remember that. I will work hard to keep taxes low and make sure Oklahomans are able to spend their hard-earned money on the things they value in life!

Marriage & Family:

Stephen and I have been married for over ten years and have three beautiful children at home. I am a firm believer that God created marriage to be between one man and one woman and have a deep understanding of having Godly principles guiding our families. Although I am an independent woman, I am very traditional in believing that my husband is the head of our home; His support of my campaign has been phenomenal and I know without him standing beside me, I would not have made it through this race. 


I invited Christ into my life when I was in middle school, but have developed a stronger relationship with God over the past two years. My faith has grown tremendously throughout the course of this race and I have found peace in knowing His plans for my life are to use my story to bring honor to Him. That said, I have been very open about my understanding of God's grace and mercy and that has been used to contest my conservative, Christian values. Because of my deep faith, I believe that God can grant His forgiveness to every sinner, no matter the sin, just as He grants me that grace daily. I am thankful for the opportunity to use this platform to show others how He can work in their lives, just as He has worked in mine.